Hi, my name is Jill McGee and I’m the creator, crafter, owner, operator of Jillian’s Country Home. I’m a military wife and mother of 3. With the support of my husband, I started this business in 2004 after losing my full-time job in December 2003.
I don’t have an Ah Ha moment that started me in this business. I learned a lot of things from my parents. My mom sewed out of necessity from having 6 kids and, my dad was tinkering in the garage or fixing something that was broken. When my husband and I married, we wanted a home that was warm and inviting to our family but also to any one that visited our home. With limited funds and struggling to furnish our home, my husband made a lot of the furniture in our home. I picked up and learned a lot of wood working skills from my husband, from helping so much in garage. I got busy making signs, pictures, and a multitude of things to bring in a little warmth and beauty to make our house a home. I made craft items for family and friends to help bring vision to their homes as well. During this time, I did small craft shows in the fall to make money for Christmas. Then after losing my full-time time, my husband and I sat down to discuss me doing the craft business full time. With his blessing, Jillian’s Country Home was started.
My craft is a mixed media of products. I don’t just specialize in one product, as I like to make a variety of different items. From signs, to snowmen and a little bit of everything in between can be found at Jillian’s Country Home. I also like to pick up old items that I can repurpose in to a new product, or use a product that has outlived its usefulness in its original state and put a new twist on it. I love everything out making a new creation out of a few products. I like to offer a variety of items, as it shows customers a vision for their homes.
Many thanks, to Lana for allowing me to display at this show. I hope that you will stop out and see me at the 2019 Shaker Woods Festival in Columbiana, OH booth 95, I look forward to meeting you. If you can’t make it there, jump online and check out my website at www.jillianscountryhome.com.